
1. 條件:學歷不拘,熟當地語言

2. 對象國家:美國、約旦、越南、法國、沙烏地阿拉伯

3. 工作內容:找尋或拜訪該國潛在客戶,再轉介給台灣總部

4. 佣金提供方式:當客戶每次下單出貨,依出貨金額提供3-10%佣金,無底薪

5. 歡迎介紹久居海外親朋好友,兼職或專職方式皆可。

意者請洽: +886-47363333 分機127 許小姐


Solicit (Recruit) sales representative from abroad

1. Requirement: No minimum education required. Need to be familiar with local languages.

2. Countries: United StatesJordanVietnamFranceSaudi Arabia

3. Job content: Looking for potential customers in local areas and refer ones to the headquarter in Taiwan.

4. Commission providing: No basic salary. 3-10% commission provided after each delivering to customers.

5. Welcome to introduce your friends who are resident abroad (live abroad permanently). Available for part-time or full-time job.

Contact Information

Contact Person: Ms.Kim Hsu

E-mail: kim@easywellwater.com

Phone Number: +886-47363333 #12



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